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case studies

Patricio Rodriguez - $245K In Revenue From A Facebook Ads Deal That He Secured Within 6 Days


Before meeting Us:

Pato has extensive experience in construction, and when he decided to start his real estate investing business, he knew he had every piece of the chain but one—the lead. Thankfully, Hesel Media was there to help him with ready-to-sell leads and incredible sales training to improve his negotiation skills.

After meeting Us:

He has not only secured highly motivated leads but also enlisted the support of a CRM that automatically follows up with them. Additionally, he benefits from an outstanding marketing team that readily assists with any request, and invites him to the weekly sales training sessions with fellow investors to enhance his closing skills. And, of course, none of Pato's success would be possible if he didn't have such a great attitude toward learning and continuous improvement. Pato allows us to help him succeed.




Securing a $245K deal within 6 days


Silverland Home Buyer

time frame

Securing a property within only 6 days after the lead was generated.
"Every time I talk to other investors I refer to Hesel Media as my team. Hesel Media is gonna help you as much as you let them help you."

60+ leads

30 motivated seller appt

Marcus Ford - Business Growth Thanks To Facebook Ads + Getting Multiple Quality Leads In Dallas


Before meeting Us:

Marcus had to spend a lot of time trying to get leads for his business, he was looking for someone who could help him accomplish his goals when he found Esteban, the CEO of Hesel Media.

After meeting Us:

In the first week of running Facebook ads, they got so many leads that they couldn't cipher through. Not only that but the leads were actually solid high-quality leads. At the time of filming this video, Marcus said he already had 67 potential deals in his database.Marcus was able to achieve business growth with the help of Hesel Media, he highlights the excellence of our team and is very thankful for the results that we have delivered for him.


Dallas, Texas


Business growth thanks to Facebook ads + getting multiple quality leads


Marcus Buys Houses 365

time frame

67 potential deals from inbound marketing in his database in less than 3 months.
"Starting January 2021 our business picked up dramatically, so now I'm able to walk, get myself in shape, and let these guys handle all my marketing."

150 Leads

67 Potential Deals

Business Growth

Zoom House Buyers - Real Estate Investors Closing Deals In The Canadian Market - Consistent Lead Flow And ROI


Before meeting Us:

Kate and Jose were real estate investors doing flips in Toronto, Ontario. They were already familiar with different lead sources but needed to get more motivated seller leads to close deals more consistently. Their goal was to get to close 3 deals a month.

After meeting Us:

This team found a consistent lead flow in the Facebook Ads that Hesel Media started running for them. As mentioned in the call that our CEO Esteban had with them, they were having a great experience with our inbound lead source. Even fellow investors from their masterclasses mentioned that they did not have a good experience with Facebook ads. That is definitely not something that Zoom House Buyers could relate to, because they actually got to close deals from their motivated sellers 💯


Toronto, CA


Closing motivated seller leads in Canada with consistency


Zoom House Buyers

time frame

Their closings were not immediate with every one of their deals, but the reason behind that is that these investors preferred bigger deals so they rather stay patient, and resourceful, and keep following up with homeowners to purchase their properties.
"The good thing I like about it is even more so than with our other lead source, is that I've been able to see consistency in the number of leads that I'm getting per day."

20+ Seller Appointments

Many Closings & Under Contracts

Jesse Wyatt - Finally Getting High-Quality Facebook Leads & Getting A Lot Of Contracts In Jacksonville


Before meeting Us:

Jesse's experiences with FB ads were not the best in the past. He first started running Facebook ads on his own but it was unsuccessful. Then he decided to hire marketing agencies that brought him a bunch of low-quality leads. As a result, he became skeptical about Facebook marketing and he lost faith in them. It wasn't until he reached out to Hesel Media that he started getting contracts and actual quality leads.

After meeting Us:

Jesse has stayed with Hesel Media as his Facebook Marketing agency for nearly 2 years because has finally been able to get actually motivated seller leads and get many contracts for his real estate investing business, he found an agency that is always available and looking for constant improvement, always moving for a change an adapting, and with an awesome automation system that adapts to his.


Jacksonville, Florida


Getting a lot more leads, more contracts, and more closings in Jacksonville.


Synergy Buys Houses Jacksonville

time frame

1.5+ years getting the best motivated sellers from Hesel Media.
"If you're not jumping with Esteban and his team, you're going to make a very bad choice"

500 Leads

MULTIPLE Contracts

Florida House Buyers - Getting Consistent Quality Leads From Facebook Ads In Ohio + Learning How To Convert Them & Putting Many Properties Under Contract


Before meeting Us:

This team had many ways of getting leads, but they where mainly outbound marketing sources such as SMS, VM, Cold Calling and Direct Mailing. However they were looking for sources that they could replicate and use for other markets, that's why they made the decision to start running Facebook Ads with Hesel Media.

After meeting Us:

Soon after they started working with us, they were able to remove most of their outbound efforts (SMS, VM, and Direct Mailing). Their results have been so amazing that they have been with Hesel Media for over a year, and closed mutiple contracts from the Facebook leads that we've generated for them. They are one of our most successful clients!By the time of the video, they've already closed 28 deals from the leads that we generated for them, and it was certainly because of the great quality of the leads, and their amazing follow up, and closing skills.




Wholesaling 20+ deals monthly from different lead sources


Florida House Buyers

time frame

Over a year closing deals with Hesel Media Facebook Ads.
"It's probably because we have better systems, different alternatives to offer to the leads, and a great integrator" - This is what they say about the reason of their success

MULTIPLE Under Contract & Deals

600+ Leads

Alex Lopez - Earning $70K From A Facebook Leads Deal Within The First 10 Days Of Running Ads


Before meeting Us:

Alex already had an established real estate investing business that he wanted to grow. He has tried different outbound lead sources, but he believes that adding inbound lead generation is a need to complement his lead inputs and also strengthen his brand.

After meeting Us:

He has only been with Hesel Media for 3 weeks, and he already closed 1 property and will be closing another one really soon for sure. With the $70k that he earned from the first closing, he was able to get an ROI of 15.54X! And he definitely got it real quick.We have to highlight the ability of Alex to make business decisions and move quickly with them, and his capacity to not only set short-term goals for his business but most importantly, create and follow an action plan to accomplish them. We are excited about our partnership with this successful client so we can see how inbound lead generation helps him grow his business.




Closing his first deal within ONLY 10 DAYS


Axel Property Management

time frame

Closing 1 deal of $70k revenue within 10 days.
"If you're advertising with Facebook Ads your branding is going to grow longterm, if you're actually working on branding and using social media."

2 Deals

11 Leads

Craig Holland - $100,000+ Of Profit From The 5 Deals Closed With Hesel Media Getting A 5x ROI For Facebook Ads Investment


Before meeting Us:

Craig uses many lead sources and one of the ones that works well for him is SMS, however when they started to grow, it became something that they couldn't put time into since it requires a lot of effort. Then they decided to go for an inbound lead source to get leads that are already willing to sell their houses.

After meeting Us:

He closed 5 deals from Facebook Leads and got a pretty great ROI of 5x, there were a lot of opportunities in the leads that he got from us. In the interview, Craig mentions that even when he canceled the service because of another investment, he closed 2 deals on the same day so he came back right away and even signed up for a new service, Google PPC to keep scaling 💯Craig has succeeded because he has a good lead source that brings him quality leads, also because of his closing skills, and his patience with inbound marketing. He is investing in his business and even referring us to his fellow investors so they can do the same.




Closing 5 leads, getting a 5x ROI with over 100 k of profit


Click House Buyers

time frame

Closing 5 deals from Hesel Media ads generating a 5x ROI in 5 months.
"We got a $7k deal with you all, then $8k deal with you all, then a $25,600 deal, then another $25k, and then the flip with $45k. So again, it's been pretty good."

140+ Leads

5 Closings

Lincoln Amstutz - Closing 2 Deals From Inbound Marketing + 3 Properties Under Contract In Missouri


Before meeting Us:

Lincoln tried to do Facebook ads by his own in the past. However, he didn't get the results that he was expecting. Soon he realized that he needed a team of experts taking care not only of his campaigns but also supporting him with a good system to manage those ads and even coaching him on proper follow-up practices.

After meeting Us:

Only 3 months into the journey of inbound marketing and he already started loving the quality of the leads that we provided him with. For one of the properties that he mentions in the video, he got it under contract the first time that he went to meet the owner and the property. That's how motivated his leads are.Some of the things that this investor loves about Hesel Media is that the leads that we generate for him already come with the information that he needs and we make his job easier. He's also very happy with the help that the whole team has gave him in order to start picking up his ROI 💸




Closing 2 deals from FB ads and putting 3 properties under contrac


HomeLink Properties

time frame

Closing 2 deals and 3 contracts in 3 months of running Facebook Ads with the Hesel Media team.
"Absolutely, I would recommend Hesel Media to pretty much anybody that wants to get offmarket deals... They have great support, and a great team."

80+ Leads

5 Closings

Josh Cohen - $40,000+ Per Month In Wholesaling Ads From PPC And Facebook With Josh Cohen From Deal Maker Nation


Before meeting Us:

Josh has been a real estate investor since 2009 so he is very experienced in the business. However, he was looking for a way to do things differently. He used to do direct mail, text message, and cold calling. But he wanted to grow his business with more leads for virtual wholesaling.

After meeting Us:

In his first 2.5 weeks of working with Hesel Media, he got to close 4 deals! His business and team have grown a lot. He invites people to give Hesel Media a chance because it is a partner that will make you successful, but you have to put in the work as well to make the system give you results such as the amazing results that he has gotten 💯According to Josh, one of the main things that we provided him with and have added value to his business is the follow-up automation for new leads. Hesel Media is one of the few agencies that provide its clients with all the automations to manage and follow up with their leads successfully.


18 US Markets


Closing 4 leads in only 2 weeks - $40,000+ Per Month in Wholesaling Ads From PPC and Facebook


3 Step Home Sale

time frame

Closing 4 deals in his first 2.5 weeks with Hesel Media.
"Their automation sequence has been an unbelievable response rate. We've taken that and applied it to all of our pipelines, and that's only a small piece of what Hesel Media can do for you."

300+ Leads


Business Growth

Joe Prenger - 5 Properties Under Contract & 2 Closings In Only 2 Months Of Running Facebook Ads With Hesel Media


Before meeting Us:

Joe is familiar with different lead sources and his previous experience was not the best, he's worked with another agency that brought him very low-quality leads, and in a period of 8 months, he could only close 1 of their leads. That's why he became skeptical of Facebook ads... until he met us.

After meeting Us:

What Joe likes the most about this lead source is that now he actually has a consistent high-quality lead flow that has helped him close more deals and has given him a great ROI, which at the end of the day is the most important thing when investing on marketing for your business.We are extremely happy about our client's success and we will keep looking for ways to get him to close many deals 🚀


Kansas & Missouri


Putting 5 properties under contract and closing 2 in the first 2 months of running Facebook Ads.


KC House Guys

time frame

5 properties under contract & 2 closings in their first 2 months with Hesel Media.
"This is a more consistent type of lead generation that we can stick with over a period of time" - Says Joe about the difference between Hesel Media and the previous company that was generating Facebook leads for him.

5 Under Contract

90+ leads

2 Closings

Rusty & Susanna - Closing A Deal Every Month From Hesel Media Motivated Sellers


Before meeting Us:

At the beginning of their journey, they were doing all the marketing by themselves. Apart from outbound marketing, they also tried to run Facebook ads on their own, which was really frustrating since their ads would always get rejected by Facebook policies. That's when they decided to reach out to the experts and Hesel Media started bringing them more deals from Facebook motivated sellers.

After meeting Us:

Right when they started to run ads with Hesel Media they got to close deals consistently. They always get at least 1 deal per month from Hesel Media leads and they're been with us from 1.5+ years. Another huge difference that Rusty and Susanna have encountered since working with Hesel Media is the quality of the leads. When they used to cold call they got a bunch of leads that were just not motivated to sell, on the other hand, our inbound sellers are all important for them because they know that they are actually interested in selling and that is what has got them to close more deals.Even in the months when the lead flow is slower, Rusty and Susanna have been patient and consistent. So even if they don't close a deal right away, their great follow up skills allow them to eventually come up with an offer that works for them and for the seller.




Closed 15 deals during our time with us and earned financial freedom.


Pinal County House Buyers

time frame

Closed 15 deals during their time with Hesel Media.
"If you're thinking about what agency to go with, I would definitely recommend Hesel Media, just because they've enabled me to grow my business and actually hire myself out of different tasks."

300+ leads

8,3% Conversion

George & Christo - In More Than A Year Of Working With Hesel Media Closing 7 to 13 Deals From Facebook Leads Each Month


Before meeting Us:

George and Christo used to close 5 to 6 deals every month with their other marketing and acquisitions results, which was not bad, but it wasn't until they reached out to Hesel Media that they got to get those numbers up to 12 to 18 closings per month.

After meeting Us:

They got to grow their business with our consistent lead flow. One of the main reasons for their success with these leads is that they are actually high quality and interested in selling their houses to our clients. George and Christo have been crushing it with us for over one year and they are ready to keep closing deals for their real estate investing business.These guys take the best out of our inbound lead generation system and follow up with their leads like beasts, which has definitely improved their conversion rate. They absolutely recommend our services to other investors and wholesalers that want to scale their business as they did.


Atlanta, Georgia


Closing 7 - 13 deals from Facebook leads every month


Real Easy Offer

time frame

Closing 7 - 13 leads every month, for more than a year.
"We are getting a lot more quality leads working with you guys"

280+ leads

7 - 13 closings/m

Hien - 37K Deal Took 30 Days To Close & Getting Highly Motivated Seller Leads From FB Ads


Before meeting Us:

This team relies on many other lead sources such as SMS, cold calling, referrals from attorneys, and other investors. However, they never found a lead source that made things as easy for them as facebook did.

After meeting Us:

Most Facebook leads that they've gotte are actually motivated, therefore, they don't have to do hundreds of calls in order to close a deal. They've already closed 4 deals with Hesel Media, and in their very first deal was closed with only 1 call, and they got 47k of revenue out of it! 💥The deal that Hien tells us about in the call came from a lead that was not very motivated at the beginning, but thanks to his amazing follow up skills, and his willingness to help the seller, the lady sold her house to him over other investors. Hien helped her solve her bankruptcy situation.The Easy Homes Buyers team is great at being consistent and following up with their leads, they also give them different options to sell their house depending on the situation. That, and their amazing lead source, is the key to their success.


Houston, Texas


Earned 37k from a deal that took 30 days to close


Easy Homes Buyers

time frame

37k in their latest deal, that took 30 days to close.
"Facebook marketing isn’t always the cheapest, but they are always going to be more motivated... with Facebook you don’t need to have a bunch of calls to close a deal. First deal with Hesel Media took us 1 call to close and we earned 47k, that’s to show you how motivated these guys are."

6.88X ROI

37K Last Deal

47K First Deal

Erik Wright - Closing 16 Deals and JV 15 Within 11 Months Of Running Facebook Ads To get Inbound Motivated Sellers + Improve His SEO


Before meeting Us:

Erik wasn't doing any type of paid marketing, he did work hard on his SEO and ranked very well, however, the actual leads that he was getting were slower than he needed, that's when he reached out to Hesel Media, a choice that scaled his business tremendously.

After meeting Us:

Immediately after signing up with Hesel Media, he started closing more deals, and not only that, but thanks to the customization that we have made to the service to adjust it to his needs, he has improved his SEO results as well. Erik is simply crushing it with Facebook ads, he has already closed 16 deals and the average spent for each deal is 2k of marketing.Our client highlights the responsiveness of the Hesel Media team and its ability to adjust the service to his REI needs. As well as our killer automation systems and CRM and the great value that our Facebook ads have brought to his business. Erik has been working with us for a long time because we have brought him the results that he requires and beyond. He has even invited some of his other fellow investors to work with Hesel Media to scale their REI business.




Closed 16 deals in less than 11 months + 15 JV deals.


New Horizon Home Buyers

time frame

Closed 16 deals and JV other 15 in 11 months of running FB ads.
"Whether you are an experienced investor doing multiple deals a month or you're just starting out, Esteban and his team can customize their product to your needs and help you take your REI business to the next level."

90+ leads

15 JV Deals

$2K spent per deal

Kamil Murawski - 4 Properties Under Contract + Being Able To Become Full-Time REI & His Own Boss


Before meeting Us:

Kamil is fairly new to the real estate investing industry, he started wholesaling while he had his other full-time job, however, it wasn't until he met Hesel Media that he was able to become a full-time wholesaler.

After meeting Us:

As soon as he started with Hesel Media, he started getting warm leads that were actually interested in selling their house. This helped him scale his business, and he's currently growing because of that. Not only that, but our weekly sales trainings have been tremendously helpful for his sales, follow-up, and negotiation skills.Our client has the correct mindset to be successful in the industry, he's willing to learn and invest in his business, that's why is is simply crushing it! 💪




Put 4 properties under contract and was able to scale his REI business.


Pocono Cash Home Buyers

time frame

Put 4 properties under contract and was able to scale his REI business.
"Even with the leads or with you guys there is no negative, it's how we handle it. You guys provide us with the leads, consistently coming, prequalified, and warm. Now it's up to us whether we turn it into a deal or not."

4 Under Contract

80+ Leads

40+ Motivated Seller Appts

Jimmy Pham - 5 Properties Under Contract Within Only 2 Weeks Of Running Facebook Ads


Before meeting Us:

Believe it or not Jimmy was is fairly new to the Real Estate Investing game. One thing that he had very clear was that he could do great business with quality leads, that's why he signed up with Hesel Media.

After meeting Us:

Believe it or not Jimmy was is fairly new to the Real Estate Investing game. One thing that he had very clear was that he could do great business with quality leads, that's why he signed up with Hesel Media.After meeting us: As soon as Jimmy's campaign went live he started getting quality leads for his business, he got 5 leads per week during 2 weeks. Which means that he got 10 leads in 2 weeks, and he got 5 properties out of those leads. That's a crazy closing rate and ROI right there!It is important to highlight that Jimmy has the right mindset as a negotiator, he is aware that he has to make leads trust him. He shows himself as a person that actually wants to help him.On the other hand, Jimmy is great at following up with his leads, as he says "A lead is a lead until it stops being a lead, so I'm never gonna stop calling them". He will not waste any of the opportunities that we are sending his way 🚀


South Carolina


Put 5 properties under contract within as little as 2 weeks


We Buy Houses For Cash

time frame

Put 5 properties under contract within 2 weeks from inbound motivated seller leads.
"This is a legitimate company, what they do is that instead of you going searching for people, people are coming to you."

10 Leads

50% Closing Rate

Jesse & Isaac - Closing 3 Deals In Just 1 Month Of Running Facebook Ads With The Help Of Hesel Media & A Great Follow-Up System


Before meeting Us:

These guys already had experience with other lead sources, actually, Isaac is a past client from Hesel Media, and because of the kind of results that we delivered he decided to come back with his partner Jesse. They were looking for a new way to close more deals for their real estate investing business.

After meeting Us:

As seen in the video, they are crushing and making a lot more money from their Facebook leads. The leads that Hesel Media delivers for Premier Home Solutions are such high-level that Jesse, Isaac, and their team, can focus on their genius. They are also learning a lot from the weekly sales trainings that Hesel Media has with Juan Nicasio, because they have very clear that if you are constantly learning you are constantly earning 💯Shoutout to this team for the real home runs that they are cracking, they are a great example of how to manage a real estate investing business and how to keep improving 💪




At least $28K assignment fee for every deal closed + 3 deals closed during 1 month.


Premier Home Solutions

time frame

3 deal closed in 1 month with Hesel Media with a 53.24X ROI!
"I would say to anybody that's debating about whether or not they should join Hesel Media... How many months can you go not making $150K? Because every month you've not signed up with Hesel Media you are committed to at least losing out on those 2 deals or not making those $150" K

$3097 spent

50 Leads

3 Closings

Lukas & Hannah - Escalated Their Real Estate Investing Journey + 70K Of Their First Fix & Flip Closed Within 24 Hours In Their First Month Of Running Facebook Ads


Before meeting Us:

Lukas and Hannah have been only wholesaling for a year and their only marketing was texting. However, they knew that texting wasn't going to be around forever, they wanted to be ahead of that curve and differentiate their business.

After meeting Us:

The most relevant thing to highlight about their journey with Hesel Media Facebook ads is that they have become able to not only grow their wholesaling business but to become the end buyers, keep buy and holds for themselves, and even got their first fix and flip ever from a Hesel Media inbound lead that they closed within the first month of doing Facebook Ads. They put this property under contract within just 24 hours.They are estimating a revenue of around 65K out of their first deal. Their ROI is 18.37X and they got their first deal out of one of their first 10 leads!


Lee County, Florida & Milwaukee County, Wisconsin


New real estate investing opportunities + their first fix and flip in one month.


Next-Door Neighbor Investments

time frame

1 fix and flip under contract within 24 hours in their first month with Hesel Media.
"Every lead we have gotten since we have got Hesel Media, is actually interested on talking to us"

$3097 spend

10 leads

1 closing

Alex & Viktor - Wholesaled 4 Deals In Their First Month, Have Been With Hesel Media For About 2 Years, And Now Close 10 To 15 Deals Per Month


Before meeting Us:

Alex was looking for a Facebook ads manager to bring a consistent lead flow to his business, the reason why he picked Esteban and his team is because of his responsiveness and the awesome reviews that other clients gave about Hesel Media. He got such amazing results that he's been with us for about 2 years.

After meeting Us:

As you can see in the video, Alex wholesaled 4 deals in his first month of running Facebook ads with Hesel Media. The following months got better and better, now he closed 10 to 15 deals (and sometimes even more) per month, and get an average of 75 leads.Something worth highlighting about these clients is that their follow-up game is on point, giving them more chances to close those deals.




Wholesaling 4 deals in his first month of running FB ads and multiple more in the following 2 years.


I Will Buy House

time frame

Closed 4 deals in their first month with Hesel Media and multiple more in their 2 years with us.
"The guy is super knowledgeable, wealth of knowledge and just really terrific to work with. Because of this, I highly recommend that you give Esteban a shot."

1900 leads

2 years running FB ads

David Hernandez - The First Inbound Lead That He Got From Hesel Media Ended Up Being A 6 Figure Fix And Flip


Before meeting Us:

After meeting Us:

Client's win: In this fragment of our weekly Sales Training with our closer Juan Nicasio, our client David Hernandez shares with us the wins that he has had with Hesel Media and the value that running Facebook inbound marketing has brought to his real estate investing business.As mentioned in the video, the first lead that he got in when he started doing marketing with Hesel Media turned into a 6 figure fix and flip! David is crushing it and making the best out of the inbound lead generation system that Hesel Media provides to him.Additionally, he has 7 properties under contract, 3 fix and flips, 3 listings, and looking for a partnership to close the opportunities that he has in other markets.David and his team are a great example of how to scale your REI business with Facebook ads, good follow-up practices, and taking every opportunity. Like he mentioned in the training, he got a lead from a different market and he is currently looking to partner with someone in that market to get profit out of that opportunity. As you can see, Hesel Media provides not only a valuable lead generation system but also awesome sales trainings, and a wide network in the REI industry.


Roy, Utah


Closing a 6 figure fix and flip out of his very first Facebook lead.


Live Smart Home Buyers

time frame

3 Months to get a 6 figure deal, 7 properties under contract and 3 listings.
"Teamwork makes the dreamwork"

3 Flips

15.68X ROI

Mario Lancioni - 6 Deals Locked Up In His First 1.5 Months In With Over $250K In The Pipeline Only From Digital Marketing And Facebook Ads


Before meeting Us:

Mario was on the fence about going into online marketing for his real estate wholesaling business, he wouldn't give the chance to Facebook ads either to Google PPC. He only relied heavily on cold calling and SMS marketing in his New Jersey market.

After meeting Us:

1 month into doing Facebook ads with us we had already generated over 30 leads and over 20 phone appointments with motivated sellers for Mario real estate company.He and his team have already locked up more than 6 deals under contract and have added over 250K+ in the pipeline. All these leads coming from Facebook ads for his motivated seller campaign.Mario is so ready to knock it out of the park that PPC is the second addition to the digital marketing strategies that hesel media will provide to Mario and his 5 Star Offer team in New Jersey.He is ready to take over his market online.


New Jersey and Pennsylvania


6+ Deals Under Contract in 1.5 Months


5 Start Offer

time frame

1.5 months to lock up 6+ deals under contract.
"We’re around $75k a month but with your marketing we’ll pass it all day"

$1650 Ads

30+ leads

6 closings